Do you need an architect or designer for your new home build or renovation?

By March 24, 2017 March 27th, 2017 Blog
Do you need an architect

As Geelong builders, we work closely with both architects and building designers and we understand the necessity of having experts on board for all major construction work. Many of our customers however, are not too clear on the differences between an architect and a building designer or whether they really need one at all. So let’s take a look at these differences first and then at the benefits of employing either an architect or a building designer, instead of going it alone.

The differences between an architect and a building designer

Architects have at the least a university degree in architecture, as well as all of the necessary insurances and are registered as architects in their state or territory. They can design a building from the ground up, both inside and outside, from a structural and an aesthetic point of view.

As new home builders, we have seen how inventive architects can be when they need to come up with a solution to solve a complex building problem or how easy it is for them to include new changes into the overall design.

On the other hand, a building designer is equivalent to a drafts person and whilst they can actually be an architect, they are not registered as such and therefore, cannot call themselves architects. Many building designers however, have a design rather than an architectural background, so they can have a variety of different qualifications.

There is one qualification that all building designers in Victoria must have and that is a BSA Building Design Licence. This enables them to design just about any building, from a family home to a commercial development.

All up, in Victoria there is no real difference between the work an architect and a building designer can do, there is only a difference in education and licencing.

Why do you need an architect or a building designer?

As builders in Geelong, we recognise that both architects and building designers know how to design buildings that are both safe and practical to live and work within – which will ultimately save you money in the long run.

It is important that you design a home that fits within your budget and a professional can make sure that as many of your non-negotiable requirements are included into the design as possible, keeping an eye on the budget as well.

Remember, one element of design which quite often blows the budget are the internal and external finishes. So apart from having an expert advise you on the selection of finishes available, they will also be very aware of the need to work within your budget and to suggest alternatives (if they are necessary).

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